Be a Summer Intern

Real Life Ministries offers a great opportunity for College age students to come and serve along side them. Most of our students come during the Summer Months, but we can help tailor it to your needs. The job of an intern is very important to the ministry as there is no way for one person to do it all. It is important to know that our summer schedule is very regimented as we are tending to the needs of the groups that come to serve. We have 4 days to complete the house building projects, so this mean your schedule is pretty much laid out for you from sun up to sun down. Some of the questions that frequently get asked is:

How much does it cost? The amount you would need to raise to come would be $1200.00. This will cover your daily living expenses plus most of your activities. You will also need to raise funds to cover your Travel expenses and travel insurance. Any amount over the $1200.00 you raise will be given back to you to use towards your education or occupational needs. We understand that this is a big commitment and this is a great way for supporters to have their support go beyond your summer with RLM.

Do I need to speak Spanish?  No, it’s not necessary and many of our interns from the U.S. come to us with very little Spanish speaking skills, but they usually always leave knowing more than what they came with.

Do I need experience in Construction? No, experience is not a requirement as you will learn all you need in order to train others. What you do need to have is the physical ability to handle the work load. You will be lifting items over 50 lbs, you will most likely be climbing up and down ladders, loading vehicles, and on occasion Skipping rope or playing soccer with the local kids that come by to watch.

Will I have to to attend language school while I’m there? Sorry to say, but no, there is not much time for anything besides working with the groups Monday-Thursday. Friday is a day in which you can be acting as a tour guide or helping prepare for the next arriving group. Your only free time is Saturday and Sunday and that is usually down time to rest and get caught up on personal needs. If possible you are welcome to arrive early, and set a departure date that would allow time for Language school.

For the summer, what are the dates I need to be there? Most interns arrive mid to late May. We recommend being here at least one week before the first group, which would mean being here the first week of June. Our last group is usually in the 1st or 2nd week of August.

We hope to hear from you!!


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